Classic freshwater pearl jewelry with a modern twist

Trend 2023: modern jacket for classic freshwater pearl jewellery

We've known for a while that pearl jewelry is timeless. I also knew for a long time that pearl jewelry is no longer old-fashioned and old-fashioned, at jewels with Flair, especially if you combine them with other materials such as a tough gemstone or a glimmer like Swarovski Elements. But now the media is suddenly full of it! How fun! Pearls are combined with other materials to give them a modern twist.

Pearl earrings combined with precious stones

To give pearl earrings a slightly tougher look, I like to combine pearls with gemstones. Below you see long Maxima earrings with pearls combined with an amethyst.

pearl earrings with precious stones

Or how about pearl earrings with gemstone labradorite . Labradorite has a beautiful gray base shade with a beautiful blue-green glow. The freshwater pearl has a nice contrast with the lovely pearl. I say: the perfect combination.

Jewelry set with pearl earrings and labradorite

Pearl earrings combined with a sparkle like Swarovski Elements

What is always a very cool combination is jewelry made with freshwater pearls and Swarosvki Elements. The glimmer picks up the pearl and gives the piece of jewelery an extra chic look with Flair.

Maxima earrings with freshwater pearl and swarovski

Expand your pearl earrings into a jewelry set

Pearl earrings that are not exclusively made with freshwater pearls, but also with other materials such as gemstones and Swarovski Elements can be perfectly combined with matching jewelry made of gemstones and/or Swarovski Elements.

Are you going for tough? Then you match, for example, with a bracelet with a tough gemstone such as labradorite or honey quartz.

Do you prefer to keep a somewhat classic look? Of course you can also simply combine your pearl earrings with a pearl bracelet and pearl necklace .

Shine with Flair? Then combine your pearl earrings with a glimmer such as Gavbari crystals or a piece of jewelry with Swarovski Elements .


1. What is the jewelry trend of 2023

Pearl jewelry with a modern twist, such as pearl earrings that are not exclusively made of pearls, but also with a gemstone or a nice glimmer.

2. Are pearl jewelry hip?

Pearl earrings are timeless and very trendy. The old-fashioned is now certainly gone. Do you want a trendy look and timeless jewelry? Then take a look at the pearl jewelry collection from Jewels with Flair.

February 14, 2023 — Erlinde Kramer

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