Cleaning sterling silver jewelry with baking soda?!?
Sterling silver is an incredibly beautiful material: it shines beautifully and most people do not get allergic reactions to real silver jewelry . However, there is also one drawback.
What is the disadvantage of real silver?
Silver turns black: this is also called the oxidation of the silver. Jewelry oxidation occurs when it comes into contact with the air, with oxygen.
The solution?
Very simple. Use a silver polishing cloth. In most cases you will get your silver jewelery nice and clean again. However, this is not the solution for every piece of jewelry. For example, if a piece of jewelry has many fine details that you cannot reach with your silver polishing cloth.
Then you can also put your silver jewelery in a bath of warm water with soda, but be careful! Only do this if your piece of jewelery consists of 100% sterling silver. Gemstones, freshwater pearls and other materials cannot stand it.
How do you clean sterling silver jewelry with baking soda?
- Take an oven dish or other container.
- Put aluminum foil in it.
- Add warm water, a scoop of baking soda and place the dish under the extractor hood.
- Finally, of course, your jewelry. Let it stand for a few minutes et voila… The black oxidation layer has disappeared from your jewelry.
- You then have to polish your jewelry with a (brass) brush. The soda has made your jewelry a bit dull.
- Choose a soft brush, so that you do not damage your jewelry with scratches.
You can watch all the steps in a video below:
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