Maxima's birthday on May 17

Our Queen Máxima will celebrate her 51st birthday on May 17. Where I can sometimes worry about a laugh line here and there, the years don't seem to get a hold on the queen. Wherever she appears and on whatever occasion, her appearance is always a source of inspiration to me.

Long earrings with a gemstone drop

When I started developing my jewelry line, the Máxima earrings became an important part of this line. Long graceful earrings with a gemstone or Swarovski element, in the style in which Queen Máxima often wears them. I have made these statement earrings in many variations over the years and are still an important part of the line of unique and handmade jewelry from Jewels with Flair.


On King's Day I am always ready to admire the always beautiful outfits, but above all to be inspired by the jewelry that the queen and princesses wear.

Are you also looking for a pair of unique earrings in the style of Queen Máxima? You can find them collected here in the webshop.

Maxim earrings

Maxima earrings mint blueLong earrings as Maxima often wears

May 16, 2022 — Erlinde Kramer

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