My quick makeup tips for the holidays

The month of December, you hate it or you love it. Now I myself really like socializing, having a nice long dinner, dressing nicely, etcetera, but practice has taught me something different these days.

The gift month always inspires me to new designs! My inbox is filling up with crazy Christmas outfits and my fingers are itching to make something beautiful with it. So a lot of work on the (jewellery) shop!

In addition, social life is booming. We flow seamlessly from Sint Maarten towards Sinterklaas, in a straight line to Christmas. The aforementioned cozy dinners, Christmas dinner at school, Christmas cards (which are sent by post after Christmas as standard), the days fill themselves.

So when I look in the mirror, I don't recognize the sparkling Christmas star in myself as they do in all the newsletters with glittery dresses. So work on the shop! Now I really don't wear an extravagant outfit for a relaxed Christmas with friends and family, but a bit of a nice look is nice. Good thing makeup exists!

With these products I am Christmas-proof!
– waterproof mascara for extra volume
– set with three colors of eyeshadow from, for example, L'Oreal; super handy, the box tells you exactly which color to apply where on your eye for the best effect. Did you know?
– BB cream. Ever tried? Never no stains, always works 🙂
– for the holidays: then of course a lip gloss should not be missing

It seems like a long list, but in practice it takes me no more than 10 minutes. What am I wearing this Christmas? I scored a very cool black glitter pants from Summum with a top with fringe and panther print. Matching earrings and done :). I'll let my outfit pass by on social media for a while.

How do you prepare for the holidays?

December 16, 2018 — Erlinde Kramer

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