This is how you choose the right gemstone for your skin tone
Have you ever wondered why one pair of gemstone earrings looked great on your girlfriend, but didn't stand out at all on you? You may have already discovered that it has everything to do with your skin color. Your skin tone plays a major role in which color gemstone looks best on you.
Here are some tips to make the right choice:
Step 1: Discover your skin tone
The first step in choosing the right gemstone is discovering your skin tone. There are three main categories - light, medium, or dark - and they are associated with seasons: spring, summer, autumn, or winter.

Light skin
If you have fair skin, you could be spring type. Think blond or red hair. Your skin may be prone to burning and turning red easily.
medium skin
A medium skin tone usually means you fall into the summer type category. Light-toned skin that does not normally burn, but does not tan easily either.
Dark skin
People with a deep, dark complexion often belong to the autumn or winter types. This means that their skin is suitable for warm colors such as orange or red. However, a contrasting color can also stand out nicely, such as a white pearl.
Step 2: Choose the right color gemstone
Now that you have determined your skin tone, you can start choosing the right gemstone. Below are some options.
Light skin
If you have fair skin, peach tones and light purple tones will suit your complexion perfectly. For example, try amethyst jewelry to brighten up your skin!
medium skin
For a medium skin tone, it is good to opt for light blue variations and pink stones. Try rose quartz if you want a unique look, or go for chalcedony combined with freshwater pearls if you want something a little more classic.
Dark skin
People with deeper skin tones can get away with earth tones. For example, try poppy jasper or garnet earrings to brighten up your day! However, a contrasting color can also stand out nicely. What do you like?
Step 3: Test It Yourself!
In the end, it all depends on what feels and looks best on you! Experiment with different gemstone jewelry and see which works best with your skin tone.
If you find it difficult, these steps will definitely get you started. Need advice? Do not hesitate to send an email with a photo. I'd love to help you!
Thank you for reading my article on how to choose the right gemstone for your skin tone! I wish you the best of luck in finding your perfect match.
In this article, I discussed the importance of choosing the right gemstone based on your skin tone and how best to apply these steps. Don't forget to experiment until you find the perfect match!